The National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) was looking for ways to create greater industry engagement with its national surveys of leadership practices. Using an evidence-based approach, I helped NCHL get there in three ways:
First, we redesigned the survey around best-available scientific evidence about what works in leadership development.
Second, we created a recognition program – “The BOLD Awards” – giving eligible participants a meaningful recruiting tool for healthcare leaders, of the kind described in the Health System Literacy section of Healing our Future.
Third, we developed a scorecard that all participants receive, showing them where they are strongest and where they have the most room for growth in comparison to peer organizations. This created the kind of peer collaboration described in the Boundary Spanning chapter of Healing our Future.
Results included:
- Greater excitement and participation from the field
- More rapid identification and dissemination of best practices, and
- A program for continuously improving the evidence base for effective leadership development practices.
A write-up of this project is forthcoming in late 2021. I will post a link here when it is available.